Dean Screamed

4 min readJun 30, 2019

We did the rest.

I was sitting in my 10th grade AP World History class. It’s 2016, and our current president wasn’t rage tweeting every five seconds, I’d just got my braces off, life was good. My teacher, both a basketball coach and a political fanatic, occasionally sat us down and subjected our group to passionate rants about our political responsibility, debated controversial opinions between the class, and his strained — but politically incorrect in a good southern classroom setting — loathing of Donald Trump.

In the wake of the 2016 Democratic debates, we sat down to my teacher maniacally laughing from behind his desk. Somebody asked him what was so funny, and with the excitement of a small child running full speed toward the ice cream truck, he put the video he was watching on the screen for all of us to see.

That was the first time I’d seen the “Dean Scream”

Unless you’re my good friend Chad, and the only thing coursing through your veins is political history (hello Chad, you know I love you) then you were like the rest of us and had no idea what the Dean Scream was, but you sure as hell was going to laugh your face off with everyone else as soon as you saw it. That’s exactly what we did that day when our teacher explained to us that a web series (I have a strong feeling the man watches religiously) called How to Lose the




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